• 2036
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  • 🧠 Smart contracts for dummies

🧠 Smart contracts for dummies

let's do this once and for all

GM everyone. This is 2036, the crypto newsletter that pays you.

Today we’re gonna take the bull by the horns and answer - once and for all -

WTF is a smart contract?!

Let's admit it - we've all been there.

'Smart contract’ is the kind of term that makes you go from 'I love this bitcoin stuff' to 'I don’t get it.'

It’s where Thanksgiving explanations about Ethereum go to die as you fumble for your words.

It's what takes you from your family's go-to-crypto-guy to who-is-this-guy-again?

But that was before. Today, everything changes.

Learning about smart contracts is like actually understanding what bitcoin is - something we tackled last week:

It's freeing.

Luckily, just like last time, you don’t have to listen to us that much for that.

We’re gonna pass the torch over to our smart friend Nik Custodio.

Today he’s gonna run us through smart contracts like we’re a toddler.

We won’t ramble. We’ll just scramble.

So here it is.

✅ Task: earn $15 for answering - WTF is a smart contract?!

Today’s task is simple.

Read Nik Custodio’s short article explaining what a smart contract is.

It’s a great article. Hell, even we understood it.

Then send us your summary.

You'll thank us later for this task. No more blushing next time that cute girl asks you what makes Ethereum different from bitcoin.

So, step #1 of today’s task is to read Nik’s article:

Step #2 - Send us your summary by filling in this form:

We'll pick two submissions at random and send them $15 each.

And that's it for today, folks. Smarter in a heartbeat.

Tomorrow we'll send you a list of the best resources we came across this week - including

  • a story on how to go from rags to riches in crypto and

  • an overview of the crypto narratives to pay attention to in 2023.

So stay tuned.

Until then,